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April 13, 2022
USM Welcomes Researchers to Engage with Students & Community
Using archaeological methods, Dr. Nooren and Dr. Pagán will tap into the (pre-) history of local vegetation and agriculture, which can tell us a lot about previous cycles of climate change and how the first indigenous settlers of the islands adapted to same.
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March 14, 2022
Road to SMILE Event
The annual Sint Maarten Innovations, Initiatives, and Industries Link-up Event (SMILE) will be held at USM, 25-26 March 2022.
Discount tickets are available to alumni and students. This year, Ph.D. Doughnut Economy Researcher Juan Carlos Goilo was invited by SHTA as a keynote speaker.
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Discount tickets are available to alumni and students. This year, Ph.D. Doughnut Economy Researcher Juan Carlos Goilo was invited by SHTA as a keynote speaker.
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