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June 19, 2023
USM Celebrates 29th Commencement Ceremony
Philipsburg, June 18, 2023 - The University of St. Martin (USM) proudly celebrated its 29th Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, June 17th, 2023, at the Belair Community Center. A total of 22 students graduated from various programs, marking a significant milestone in their academic journey.
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June 16, 2023
USM Researchers engage with Caribbean region
Under the theme Transforming our Caribbean, researchers affiliated with the University of St. Martin (USM) joined over 300 regional and international scholars in celebrating the 47th annual Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) conference.
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June 14, 2023
USM Encourages CXC Candidates to Apply for Fall Semester!
With our unique provisional acceptance policy, applicants can submit their official transcripts and secure their place in any of our associate or bachelor programs while waiting for their CXC grades.
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May 28, 2023
To gain a better understanding of how hurricane and climate proof homes should be designed, USM is hosting architect and doctoral researcher Ms. Aga Kus of TU Delft, who began interviewing residents earlier this month.
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May 4, 2023
Call for (a) research assistant(s)!
Are you interested in housing design, building practices, and working with communities? Would you like to learn more about research and ethnographic research methods?
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